POA District

The POA District consists of the common land areas throughout the Craft Farms Development of which there are 57 different parcels scattered around the community. ‘The District’ also refers to the organization that manages the affairs of the community. This organization, Craft Farms Property Owners Association (CFPOA), Inc., operates per published By-Laws and is chartered to maintain the aesthetics of the Craft Farms Community and to enforce the Covenants. The CFPOA Board of Directors consists of a biennially elected director from each village. Our annual operating budget is $595K, and, in addition, we maintain approximately $175K Capital Reserve and $360K Operating Reserve.

Craft Farms is not associated with Craft Farms North, a separate and distinct community on County Road 8.


POA District Documents

POA District Contacts

   President – John Mitchell   

Phone: 847-302-3157

   Vice President – Kim Gordon  

Phone: 734-730-2176

   Secretary/Treasurer – Mike Mitchum

Phone: 251-269-9226

   POA Covenants & Restrictions Committee Chairman – TBD


     POA Architectural Review/Modification Committee Chairman – Curt Graff

Phone: 618-559-8254


        POA Grounds Committee Chairman – Billy Adcock

Phone:  251-504-8161


        POA Web Administrator – Marsha Guyer

Phone: 251-948-3039


       POA Management –  Marsha Guyer

Phone: 251-948-3039